Sunday, July 5, 2015

4th of July

Back to more Lego building from the night before.

Helping each other out.

Thanks to Nana our Star Wars minifigure stash got bigger. Evan is thrilled.

We always head to our friends' block party for the Fourth.

Evan couldn't get enough of the waterslide.

As the day progressed it got colder, especially for a little boy in wet clothes.

He had a great time.

Some people prefer to ride ponies. We like to think a good tortoise is just as good.

And the tortoise mows the lawn as he goes.

Good tortoise.

Have tea on a tortoise. Delightful!

We had to put the kibosh on tortoise surfing.

The kids were exhausted by the time we got home.

I like fireworks and the kids had fun watching them. However, all good things eventually come to an end. I was ticked that people were still lightning off the huge booming fireworks after 11p.m. at night.