Friday, June 16, 2023

Road Trip: From Los Angeles to Utah


On our way to our McClellan family reunion in Idaho, we stayed overnight in St. George the first night.

But first we visited the St. George Tabernacle and then had some frozen custard at Nielsen's, which was delicious.

It was hot while we drove through California and Nevada, but by the time we reached St. George, it was super windy and started raining. The kids have been good through all the driving (about 6 hours the first day), so it's been a good start to our trip.

After a couple of hours into our drive the next day, we stopped off at Cove Fort.

The fort was built at the direction of Brigham Young by Ira Hinckley and his family.

Checking out the view from the top of the walls.

A view of the interior of the fort: 12 rooms total, between the north wall and the south wall.

The rooms are set up as a glimpse into life at the fort in the late 1800s.

There are several bedrooms, used by the Hinckley family and guests passing through.

Here is the washing room.

A loom is set up.

And the heart of the fort: the kitchen and dining room.

The post office.

The telegraph office.

They have crops growing out back in the garden.

The blacksmith shop.

The barn.

And a little, covered wagon outside.

Continuing on our way, we made a stop at a gas station in Scipio that has a petting zoo.

Don't get your fingers near the Emus.

This goat was lying down right in the middle of the feeding trough.

Aubrey wanted to see the bunnies.

So soft.

Watching the peacock walking around.

We passed the ducks and geese.

That's a big camel.

We found the alpacas.

They came up to check us out.

The turtles were chowing down on some watermelon.

James and Aubrey both wanted to pet the baby cows.

They also had this fluffy cow.

Little horses.

And zebras too.