Sunday, June 18, 2023

Island Park Ward and Big Springs


We are now up in Island Park, Idaho for a week-long McClellan family reunion at this cool cabin.

It's really big, with enough bedrooms (with their own bathrooms) to accommodate the whole family.

The pool table in the front room downstairs was fun. Most everyone stopped to hit a few balls around.

Back at home, Church is at 9am so we were up and ready to go well before the 10am start time here. 

So the boys played some pool until it was time to go.

The girls played some arcade games.

The Island Park ward gets a lot of visitors. The chapel and cultural hall were completely filled front-to-back and they have a 2nd chapel outside that was just as packed! They had 10-12 Aaronic Priesthood passing the sacrament in each chapel.

Most everyone left after Sacrament meeting but I like attending other wards as we travel, so we stuck around for the 2nd hour of Church. I enjoyed spending Father's Day visiting their Elder's Quorum.

Back at the cabin, the ladies were making a delicious Father's Day BBQ.

We enjoyed relaxing around the house and spending time together.

It's fun for the kids and their cousins to hang out together. We haven't seen Allen or Henry that much since we live so far apart.

After dinner, we all went out to explore Big Springs.

It was pretty chilly but nice to get outside and walk around.

Johnny Sack's Cabin is so small, I love it.

A moose came walking by while we were on the bridge.

We brought a bag of dog food from Richard's to throw to the fish.

So all the kids had a blast, throwing dog kibble off the bridge and watching the fish gobble it up.

It was so calm and beautiful along the hiking paths.

Hailey stopped to do some sketching along the way.

We like trips where we can take the kids out into nature and explore different forests.

As we walked we bunched up into a few clusters going the same pace.

Then, more relaxing back at the cabin.