Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Mesa Falls

Today's outing was out to Mesa Falls.

Nice having so many overlook points.

It's fun to visit waterfalls and see the rush of the river, hear the roar of the falls.

It's so green and beautiful out here.

James is having a good time.

Going to check out the little nature center at the Big Falls Inn.

They have so many different kids of animal pelts to see and touch.

Some of them are super soft.

James, who loves his orange fox hoodie, found the fox pelt and said, "it's one of my people!"

Found this collection of butterflies and moths.

After that, we continued down the trails into the forest.

Look at these 2 little buddies.

Hanging back with these 2 dawdlers.

We always catch up to the others eventually.

Hailey's trying to hide from having her picture taken.

On our way back to the cabin we stopped off at this Frostop drive-in.

Hanging out until the food is ready.

Later tonight we went to the Yellowstone Playhouse for the parody dinner show, The Prince-less Bride.

The show was hilarious and we had a great time.