Sunday, April 3, 2016

Day 2: Meet and Greet with James Taylor

Good morning, James!

Mmm... delicious celebratory lunch.

Everything on the to-do list got checked off and we were sent home today.  Now that's efficiency!

Grandchild number 10.

Hailey and Evan were so excited to meet their baby brother.

They could not keep their hands off him.

Hailey did a great job holding James.

Evan could hardly wait for his turn to hold the baby.

He was very gentle.

Hey Clarice!  Can you handle one more for babysitting?

So much excitement!

Kendra and Kyle were back from their honeymoon and got to meet the little guy.

Evan was insistent that the baby's name was Anakin, and boy he stuck to that all afternoon.

Our growing family.

Welcome home, James.

So little!