Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Broccoli makes your hair grow

Hailey has been showing everyone she meets the new skirts Nana made for her.

Hailey was concerned that the fairies haven't left any gifts at the fairy door since St Patricks Day. She asked me if they died or don't like her.

She even checked to see if their footprints were still there.

Dad helped set the train tracks up before he left for work.

I told Hailey she could have a sandwich or quesadilla for lunch. And she told me she wanted broccoli and quinoa...... unbelievable!

She wanted to show me how long her hair was growing. (I told her eating broccoli will make her hair grow long like Rapunzel.)

While I was practicing the piano Hailey got into my makeup because she wanted to be"fancy".

She did a pretty good job by herself... with no help. Though she did roll up every single tube of lipstick and put the lids back on without rolling them down. Not the end of the world but what a mess.

Busy playing.