Thursday, December 13, 2012

Lots of Lights

Finally got around to making some molasses cookies with Hailey.

She was super excited to be in charge of rolling the balls in a bowl of sugar. My floor was covered in sugar by the time we were done.

They tasted so much better than store bought cookies!

Still trying to purge the house of clutter and old things. Decided to take our pastas, grains, and legumes out of baskets and pur them in clear containers instead.

It just feels cleaner and more organized.
Visiting Santa at the Ward Party.
Hailey didn't want to sit on Santa.

She just wanted to dance like a ballerina in front of everyone.

Hanging out with the neighbors before dinner.

Everyone loves a happy baby.

Checking out the lights up at the Temple.

She just couldn't stop touching all the fun lights.

I am always amazed that someone gets lights on the top of the palm trees.

We also went to Candy Cane Lane in Torrance to see the festive lights.

Every house lights their own Chinese elm tree.

Some houses have super fun decorations.

We even met up with my family for a while. 

Buon Natale de Italia.

This was as big as someone's garage door..... just cracked me up.

Baby was comfortable all bundled up. 

Summary from a house that won an award for best decorations:
Takes 25 hours to decorate front yard.... over 10,000 lights
Electric bill goes up $200 a month
Only pregnant people can use their bathroom

Last year we went on the weekend and it was super super busy. This year we went on a Monday and it was considerably less crowded.

Love that people sell all sorts of treats and hot drinks in their driveways.

Hailey is pretty obsessed with snowmen.... not  too concerned about Santa.

Hiding behind a sled.

Angel that flies with the wind.

Where do you even buy a Santa like this?

Deer traveling with their gifts to the manger on the other side of the yard. 

More snowmen for Hailey.

Time to go home and go to sleep.