Sunday, March 27, 2016

Happy Easter!

With the all the extended family in for my sisters wedding yesterday and the fact that I can barely move Easter was very simple this year. We didn't dye eggs or hide eggs. Steve had some Lego's he bought for the kids a few month ago. Nana and Papa McClellan got the kids chocolate bunnies which they loved. Lunch at my parents' house consisted of all the left over food from the wedding reception. 

The kids did a great job singing in Sacrament meeting today.  

As soon as baby #3 makes an appearance I am taking 6 weeks off from my stake calling. When Evan was less than a week old I was offended when one for the missionaries asked my why I hadn't come back to Church right away like other mothers. Rude! Well he got a very detailed description of vaginal tears and leaky boobs. Don't ask if you don't want the truth....that's what I say. 

Steve let me know this weekend that work  is going to be super busy. Starting Monday for the next several months everyone has to work 60 hours a week. If they don't finish during the week they have to come in on weekends. The comment people made at work was, "well...better go home and say goodbye to the family....not going to see them for a while."  Feast of famine. 

Busy building legos.

It looks like I am the only person who didn't want Lego's for Easter. Steve was so thoughtful. He remembered that I wanted some Peter Rabbit dishes, as that is one of my favorite children stories. We saw these a few months ago at Pottery Barn Kids and I was hoping they would go on sale after Easter. Fortunately, Steve snatched some up because they sold out before Easter even came.