Friday, January 29, 2016

100 Days of School

All of the kids had to come up with a project that used 100 of something for the 100th day of school. Hailey wanted to make a crown with 100 jewels. 

Everyone got 100 days smarter hats to wear.

Evan and Chase checking out the Lego project.

Very clever.

I have been teaching the garden class for Hailey's kindergarten class this year. It's a little crazy sometimes with so many kids who all want to help. We have been plantings seeds, composting, and learning all sorts of fun things. I just ordered composting worms online for our next class.

The school had a harvest festival where all the classes harvested what was growing in their plots. We washed and cut up all the vegetables and served all the classes vegetable tacos with things from the garden. 700 tortillas later I was exhausted.

Another class planted this arbor and I wish I had thought of that.

Picking up a vegetable taco.