Since Steve doesn't start his new job until Monday we decided it was time for a trip to the zoo.
Hailey loves watching the little chipmunks run around.

Hailey just loves to climb. It takes both of us to keep her in check.

Trying to get a better look at the prarie dogs.

At first Hailey was a little nervous at the petting zoo but she really liked getting to pet the sheep.

Hey there Fluffy.

Just riding a giant lizard outside the new reptile house.

When we passed the concession stand, Hailey kept running up to the counter and telling Steve "please."

She was so excited to have a treat.
It's so neat to show Hailey the animals that she usually only sees in her books.

Just lying on the ground... having a treat... nothing to see here...

Did I mention she loved her cotton candy?