Last week we took a trip to Orlando and got to experience the Wizarding World of Harry Potter

It's no wonder it was always so packed; it's definitely a must-see at Universal

We highly recommend Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey inside Hogwarts Castle. The line was usually around 90 minutes but that didn't keep us away.

To the Headmaster's office

And of course the portraits move and talk. So cool!

It's really a beautiful, scenic place

Ah, the Hogwarts Express, right at the entrance of Hogsmeade

And butterbeer is a must when visiting Hogsmeade. It's like a butterscotch soda with cream on top.

If you think Steven was excited you should have seen all the people dressed up in wizard robes in 90 degree heat and oppressive humidity.

Yeah, Steven was a little jealous of them all the same. He wanted to try on a set of Gryffindor robes.

Need a wand? No problem. You can get one in Ollivander's or in the shops or even at a wand cart like this just outside Hogwarts.

Here's Ollivander's wand shop. After a 45 minute to an hour wait you can go inside where the clerk will select a few from your group and match the person with the right wand, much like when Harry first received his wand.

Thanks to Jennifer and James, Steven had his very own wand to carry around

Night falls on Hogsmeade

Yep, always crowded

There's even a snowman as you head out of Hogsmeade toward the castle

All of Gilderoy Lockhart's books on display

For all your Quidditch needs

And Honeydukes is always a sweet spot

Check out the wall to wall jars of candy

It's like rays of sweet, sugary sunshine in there

Time to sit down and relax inside the Three Broomsticks

Anything with pumpkin in it is delicious!

We drank lots and lots of creamy butterbeer. yum!

The Hog's Head is right next door and connected to the Three Broomsticks

Just outside Zonko's joke shop, right next to Honeydukes

Of course there was time to goof around the rest of the theme park

Well? Whaddya think?

Woah! slow down there, killer!

Ah, so fun to spend time together

And since Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2 came out Friday we had to escape the heat and check it out

With our park hopper tickets we also visited the other Universal theme park. Feels a lot like Hollywood.

Classic Jaws

Even an Irish shop over there

That's about the extent of our surfing experience