A few weeks ago we stopped to get some lunch on our way to Lego-land. We ate at a delicious Mexican restaurant next to a very pretty resort. Of course I told Steve Oh, lets go take a peek inside...and that innocent comment turned into....Steve, I want to come back for my birthday. And so we did.

We lounged around and read, took Hailey to the beach, ate out, went swimming in the pool, went to the movies, and were just plain lazy.

Guess who found water to play in...

It was quite warm at 88 degrees. Poor Steve hates the heat.

Now I will admit I don't love the beach. And I am most certainly not a sun worshiper. (skin cancer and wrinkles.... no thanks!) This place was surrounded by flowers everywhere.... and I do love flowers.

Steve was super excited to watch Dr. Who which just started back up on Easter.

I asked Steve if we should take Hailey on our trip or leave her with my Mom. Of course he wanted to take her with us. Oh, and on the way home she screamed nearly the whole way.

Hailey liked swimming in the pool.
This was only her second time ever.

And then when we were done being lazy bums we went home.