Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Happy 10th Birthday, Evan!


First off, I brought this Lego table home from Nana's, which Papa Dude had made for Sean, that he was getting rid of.  Evan was happy to take it.

Before we even left the house to get birthday donuts, Evan wanted to open a present.

Boba Fett's Slave I ship.

Alright, alright, you can build the rest of the day; let's go get some donuts.

Where's your helmet, Evan?

They know what they want.

Donuts are a birthday tradition we can all get behind.


Making progress.

Nice ship, Evan!

Hailey and Aubrey wanted to help with the birthday cake.

After dinner, Evan was itching to open the rest of his presents.

I dunno, he wanted these stretchy bananas.

Cake time!

More Lego building before bed.