Friday, February 18, 2011

New and Improved

A few weeks ago I looked down the street and saw a round table and 4 chairs sitting on the curb waiting for the trash man. I snagged all of them and currently have 2 of the chairs on my front porch.
I don't think she likes the smell of manure.
On the other hand the flowers love it!

The Bed Situation

I am the type of person that thinks if you are going to wear the same pair of shoes everyday you should invest in a good comfortable pair...even if it requires spending a little bit more money. I feel the exact same way about my bed.... after all I sleep in in every night. Public research reveals that people perceive food tasting better when it looks better. I also think if my bed looked like it came out of some luxury hotel I would immensely enjoy sleeping in it.

I have wanted a headboard for a long long time. My dad built a stunning bed for my mom. He offered to help make us one...but the reality is my dad is super super busy...all the time. I asked for a headboard for Christmas and Steve offered to make one. He is a fantastic husband! In the real world Steve is another busy person with almost no free time.

Last year we owed taxes...BOO! This year we are getting a refund and I get a portion of the money to spend on our house. Thanks for sharing Steve. The picture above is a bed at Pottery Barn that cost $1,799. Did I mention I love Pottery Barn. I know anything you can buy there you can get somewhere else for way less. I found a bed that looks exactly like the Pottery Barn one that is on sale until Monday for $650. We are going to look at it tomorrow. And then we are going to buy it. At least I hope so.

I have been talking to Steven about getting new bedding for at least a year. I am not exactly a impulse buyer. I finally made a decision on something we both like and now we are also getting new sheets, a duvet, euro and decorative pillows, and a quilt. I used to be a skeptic about buying higher thread count sheets until my mom bought some. I think Steve had to drag me by my hair home. Every time we buy new sheets we buy a higher thread count. Out new 1500 count sheets were on super duper sale for $51.53

We call that a steal of a deal. If you are patient and look long enough you can find a bargain.

My mom has had white couches in her living room for the last 10 years. I am going to have to agree with my mom that she got her moneys worth a while ago. 10 years, 7 children, and 2 dogs later... it's time for a change. We have been looking for awhile for something new....something easy to clean...something formal looking. We were at a furniture store earlier this week and came to the conclusion that it is better to keep looking for something you absolutely love instead of settling for something you like ok. Later that night we found these gorgeous leather tufted couches. My mom loves them.... I love them too... they will be here in the next 2 weeks. Yea!