Sunday, September 25, 2022

Peru Day 4: Sunday in Cusco

A view of the lobby from our hotel room at Royal Inka II.

This tile mural takes up the entire back wall.

Having some breakfast downstairs before heading out.

Here's a street view of the hotel.

The Cusco Main Square (or Plaza Mayor de Cusco) was a short walk from the hotel.

We had some time before Church so we walked around the plaza and enjoyed some peace and quiet and nice weather.

Statue of Pachacuti, emperor of the Inca Empire.

A nice floral view with the Cusco Cathedral in the background (looking northeast).

The cathedral was not open for visitors when we stopped by, but here's a look from just outside.

A door just around the corner of the cathedral.

This tile carving was set above that door.

Looking south.

La Iglesia de la Compañía de Jesús, on the southeast side of the plaza.

A view to the west.

We loved the cobblestone streets, the columns, and the balconies. It was like being in a city in Europe.

Check out these balconies.

On our way back from attending Church at the local branch.

We stopped off at a nice place for lunch. These were our desserts.

We tried to stop in on several churches around Cusco but none of them were open, which we thought was odd for a Sunday.

So we spent more time in the Main Square.

We found this gelato shop as we explored the city.

We also saw a lot of dogs: here's a group of strays.

And, back at the plaza, we found some sort of dog costume contest going on.

We also had some french crepes.

As we explored the city we found a crowd around a pair of performers.

These 2 guys were pulled out of the crowd to participate in the act.

Between every act, the 2nd guy (the voice of the group) worked the crowd for donations.

What we saw was fun to watch but most of it was spent getting the crowd to give enough money before they'd move on to the next act, so it was time for us to move on.

A vicuña statue.

A view of the Main Square from the roof of our hotel.

We ended our day with a  nice dinner.

The food was excellent.